KWCG 2024


24th Korean Workshop on Computational Geometry

Kloster Weltenburg, Germany

The 24th Annual Korean Workshop on Computational Geometry (KWCG 2024) will be held at Kloster Weltenburg in the week July 21--July 26, 2024.

Kloster Weltenburg is a Benedictine abbey (monastery) right on the edge of the Danube river, at the entrance to the Danube gorge.

The aim of the workshop is to provide a forum for researchers working in computational geometry to discuss and work together on research problems. Following the tradition of the preceding workshops, we hope to have active discussions and to work together on research problems, in particular in, but not limited to, the area of computational geometry. Therefore we would like you to bring some interesting open problems that can be explained quickly.

Open Problems

As usual the workshop will mostly consist of research work in small, spontaneously formed groups. We will work on open problems presented by the participants within the first two days of the meeting. Therefore, participants are asked to prepare presentations (~10-15 min.) introducing interesting research topics including open problems.

Venue, Accommodation, and others

The workshop will be held at Kloster Weltenburg. We will be staying in the monastery's guest house, have meals in the Prelature, and will use the "Festsaal" as our meeting room.

We booked a block of rooms at the guest house for the workshop. All room reservations will go through us. You will pay for your room and your incidental charges (that is, drinks and snacks you consume in the cafeteria) before leaving at the monastery receiption.

The guest house provides a nice page with guest information.

Getting to the monastery is unfortunately not easy if you do not come by car. The nearest train station is Abensberg. We will see later if we can organize some pick-up, or if we have to rely on taxis and (infrequent, especially on Sunday) buses.

The organizers

  • Sang Won Bae, Kyonggi University
  • Otfried Cheong, SCALGO
  • Christian Knauer, Bayreuth University
  • Fabian Stehn, Bayreuth University


  • July 21 (Sunday) Arrival
  • July 22-25 (Monday to Thursday) 09:00-12:00 Workshop session, 13:30-18:00 Discussion in groups
  • July 24 (Wednesday) 13:30-18:00 Excursion through the Danube gorge, light hike and boat trip
  • July 26 (Friday) 09:00-12:00 Wrap-up session

Confirmed Participants

  1. Peyman Afshani (Aarhus University)
  2. Hee-Kap Ahn (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
  3. Sang Won Bae (Kyonggi University)
  4. Sarita de Berg (Utrecht University)
  5. Kevin Buchin (TU Dortmund)
  6. Maike Buchin (Ruhr University)
  7. Sergio Cabello (University of Ljubljana)
  8. Siu-Wing Cheng (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
  9. Otfried Cheong (SCALGO)
  10. Jaehoon Chung (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
  11. Anne Driemel (Bonn University)
  12. Xavier Goaoc (LORIA)
  13. Joachim Gudmundsson (University of Sydney)
  14. Mook Kwon Jung (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
  15. Katharina Klost (Freie University Berlin)
  16. Christian Knauer (Bayreuth University)
  17. Irina Kostitsyna (NASA)
  18. Jaegun Lee (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
  19. Zuzana Masárová (ISTA)
  20. Irene Parada (UPC)
  21. Zuzana Patáková (Charles University)
  22. Carolin Rehs (TU Dortmund)
  23. Michiel Smid (Carleton University)
  24. Fabian Stehn (Bayreuth University)
  25. Antoine Vigneron (Ulsan University of Science and Technology)
  26. Birgit Vogtenhuber (TU Graz)
  27. Sampson Wong (University of Sydney)
  28. Sang Duk Yoon (Sungshin Women's University)


KWCG 2024 is sponsored by the German Science Foundation DFG and by SCALGO.


Previous workshops

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