Benefit for Classification by Automated Acoustic Data Fusion (bibtex)
by Alfons Ebert, Wolfgang Jans, Christian Knauer, Florian Langner
Benefit for Classification by Automated Acoustic Data Fusion (Alfons Ebert, Wolfgang Jans, Christian Knauer, Florian Langner), In Underwater Acoustics Measurements: Technologies and Results, 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Alfons Ebert and Wolfgang Jans and Christian Knauer and Florian Langner},
  title     = {Benefit for Classification by Automated Acoustic Data Fusion},
  booktitle = {Underwater Acoustics Measurements: Technologies and Results},
  year      = {2011},
  pages     = {115-122},
  isbn      = {978-960-98883-5-6}
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